Is It Easy to Get Laid on Pof
Are you starting to feel like POF is really an acronym for Plenty of Frustration? Nothing sucks worse than striking out on the world's most popular free dating site. Relief has arrived. These 7 POF profile tips will get attractive local women eagerly responding to your messages and checking out your profile. You'll even get a fill-in-the-blank POF About Me template if you read to the very end. Let's get started! This ain't your first rodeo - you know profile photos are important. But when you're sending decent messages to interesting women and they consistently aren't biting, weak photos are numero uno on the list of usual suspects. Here are 4 ways to instantly make your photo lineup more attractive: When it comes to photos, everything matters. Your posture, your expression, the clothes you're wearing, even what's visible in the background. All of those components play into that all-important first impression, thanks to a process called "thin slicing." That's a fancy way of saying she's noticing everything, and judging you for it. (Don't get upset, you do it too. It's basic human nature.) When given the choice between a photo depicting the left side of someone's face or the right side, most people preferred the first option. The theory being that your left side is more expressive because those muscles are controlled by the right side of your brain - the same side that's more involved with processing your emotions. A PhotoFeeler study revealed that smiling or not smiling doesn't make a difference in how attractive women find you - unless you're making eye contact and not smiling. That particular combination just doesn't do it for most women. Going over your photos with an unbiased eye is tough. You're so familiar with your face that you miss key details someone who doesn't know you might instantly focus on. A total stranger is much better at choosing your best photos because they're forming a completely unbiased first impression. Use a photo ranking website like Photofeeler to get feedback on your pictures. The more intel you gather, the stronger your lineup will be. For a full tutorial on choosing your strongest pictures, check out this article. Your headline matters because it's highly visible in her POF search results. Think of your photo, headline, and username like a package deal. If one of those components is weak, she's not buying what you're selling. Thin slicing doesn't just happen with your photos - the process applies to your entire profile. She's judging everything, remember? If you want to score dates with the hottest local women, you need to nail it with your trifecta: Photo, Headline, Username. Headlines should never be negative. In the example above, how many women do you think are in the market for a handful of a guy who's guaranteed to embarrass her in polite company? Your headline should immediately intrigue her. Engage her imagination, spark her curiosity, or get her to laugh. Your headline's got one job - make her want to keep reading in 50 characters or less. For 15 can't fail Plenty of Fish headline examples, check out this article. But here's a quick preview of travel-inspired headlines that will have her eager to keep reading more: Changing your username on POF requires a paid membership. But if you have a terrible one, it's probably worth it. Your other option is creating a brand new POF profile. Your username isn't as prominent in her search results as your photos and headline are - but she can't miss it in her inbox. The hotter she is, the more messages she gets. Why would she click on a message from four20wannafook when there are way more attractive options? Don't shoot yourself in the foot with an unattractive username. You'll find 15 awesome ideas for POF usernames here, but to start with follow these 3 simple username rules: The POF "Interests" may seem like a throwaway, but it only takes a few minutes to make this section shine. If she's checking out your profile and on the fence about whether or not to return your message, nailing this section could pay off big time. Instead of simply listing your interests, make them exciting, funny and mysterious. Take advantage of the fact you can put PHRASES in there. Single word interests are fine to include, but mix in some awesome phrases that show her you're fun, successful, and adventurous. For example: See how this is more creative and interesting than a simple list? Your photo/headline/username sets the mood. Your "About Me" section needs to seal the deal. Chances are she'll give it a skim before responding to your message, and most women check it out before handing out a phone number or setting up a date. A good profile is the icing on the cake. It makes the idea of meeting you that much sweeter. But a bad profile can send her packing quicker than you can say "ghost." The above profile example highlights 4 big mistakes guys commonly make in their POF profiles: Women are attracted to confident, powerful men. They always have been, they always will be. It's the natural order of things, proven by science. Waffling about why you're on POF, or admitting that you tried this years ago (and are still looking now) is not a sexy look. Quick Fix: Highlight Your Most Attractive Features This doesn't mean make a list, because lists are boring to read. Instead of writing, "I'm adventurous, fit, and love to travel," tell her a short anecdote or story that illustrates how you embody those things. Researchers have proven that "showing" is a more attractive way to present information than "telling." Here is an example paragraph that illustrates how to do it right: The very first line of your POF is the most important one for two reasons. First, it needs to hook her attention and make her want to keep reading. In the "Fail" example above, "To be honest, I'm not really sure why I'm on here" is not only boring, it lacks confidence. If she can't even get past the first line, you're doomed. Second, the first couple lines of your POF "About Me" show up in her search results, sandwiched between your username, headline, and photo: Why not take every opportunity to intrigue her? Give her a reason to check you out, not pass you up. Just like your headline, negativity has no place in your profile. Don't talk about the kind of woman you don't want to meet, like the POF user did above. No one wants to date a "complete psychotic," unless maybe they're on Most everyone has been in a previous relationship, so hauling around some baggage is normal. Just don't share it in your dating profile. Quick Fix: Tell Her What You Are Looking For Research has found that spending 70% of your profile describing yourself and 30% of it describing what you're looking for is the most attractive ratio to women. Think about what your ideal partner is like, and write a paragraph describing her, like this example: She doesn't want to read your whole life story. But she does want to get a general idea of what spending time with you would be like. In the "Fail" example above, she learns…. nothing. At a minimum, you want to hit the biggies: a brief description of what you do for a living, an idea of what you do for fun, and some reassurance that you're a genuine guy who's interesting to be around. Quick Fix: Follow This Proven Profile Writing Formula: Your profile should be easy to skim and understand, so stick to simple, clear language when you're writing your 4 paragraphs. In general, people are drawn to short words that are easily digestible. For more examples of POF profiles that work, click here. And if you're really struggling for inspiration, this fill-in-the-blank POF profile template should cure even the worst case of "About Me" writer's block: This section begs for creativity. Most guys take this section seriously, and write something boring. Or worse, admit that they're just going to leave all that pesky planning stuff up to her. To make your POF profile shine, create an amazing fantasy first date adventure. Make it cool, adventurous, and over the top. And make it completely obvious that you're not being serious. Here's an example: This examples works because it's so over-the-top that's it's obviously a joke. Write a fantasy scenario that you'd actually like to have happen, pair it with a line about what you're actually going to do - and presto! A first date idea that will get her daydreaming about meeting you. For more POF first date examples, go here. POF is the most popular free dating site out there, so chances are you're up against some stiff competition. Here are 5 simple ways to boost your results: To get the best results, your POF profile needs to fire on all cylinders. From your photos and headline to your profile and username… all four components need to be perfect if you want to meet the most desirable women in your area. These 7 POF profile tips will help - but giving your profile a facelift is work. If you want to skip the tedious part and go straight to the dates, you can! With VIDA on your team, meeting attractive women has never been easier. We handle every aspect of online dating for you, except for the fun part - that's all you. We schedule the dates, you just show up. It's that easy! You could meet your dream partner as early as this weekend. Click here to find out how.#1. Choose Your Bait Wisely
Make sure your first impression is a good one.
Choose photos that show the left side of your face.
If you're looking at the camera - smile.
Get a stranger's opinion.
#2. Don't Half A$$ Your Headline
#3. Don't Blow It With Your Username
#4. Make Your "Interests" Section Interesting
#5. Knock The "About Me" Section Out Of The Park
POF Profile Mistake #1: Not Exuding Confidence
POF Profile Mistake #2: Stumbling Right Out Of The Gate
POF Profile Mistake #3: Bringing The Drama
POF Profile Mistake #4: Being Stingy With The Details
#6. Add An Intriguing Conversation Starter/First Date Idea
#7. Bonus POF Tips For Guys
The Easiest Way To Meet Beautiful Women On POF
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